ALN Sessions

"ALN Sessions" looks at how the Asia and London sessions trade, and based off of the pattern that is generated, what historically happens during the New York Session.

The below metrics were calculated from a 10yr sample, 2015-2025. Times listed are in Eastern Standard.

Defining The Sessions

First lets define the three sessions we will be looking at, which are the Asian session, London session, and New York session. While others in the trading space may define these session differently, below is how I define them.

Asian Session:

The actual Asian market hours are from 8pm to 2am eastern.

London Session:

Technically the European market hours run from 3am to 11:30am EST. But for the purpose of this statistic, I will be start the London session when the Asian session ends, at 2am EST, to account for the pre-market volume that begins to flow in from the London session traders. Additionally, I end the London session at 8am, which is when the New York session pre-market picks up the volume.

New York Session:

The New York market hours are 9:30am to 4pm EST. But for the purpose of this statistic, I will be starting the New York session when the London session ends, at 8am EST, to account for the pre-market volume that begins to flow in from the New York session Traders. This New York session will end normally, at 4pm EST.

To summarize the sessions...

  • Asian Session

    • 8pm (prior day) to 2am  EST

  • London Session

    • 2am to 8am EST

  • New York Session

    • 8am to 4pm EST

London Engulfs Asia

To start, we see if the London session traded within a range that broke both sides of the Asian session, otherwise known as engulfing. This would look like the following example below (click to enlarge).

Historically over the last 10 years, below are some metrics of historical outcomes regarding the New York session, based on the prerequisite above.

  1. 83% of the time....New York high takes London high.

  2. 82% of the time....New York low takes London low.

  3. 64% of the time....New York engulfs the overnight session. This would look like the following example below (click to enlarge).

Asia Engulfs London

To start, we see if the London session traded inside the Asian session. This does not happen often, in fact over the last 10 years this has happened 168 times out of 2,490 trading sessions, or roughly 7% of the time. This would look like the following example below (click to enlarge).

On the off chance that this does happen, below are some metrics of historical outcomes regarding the New York session.

  1. 74% of the time....New York high takes Asia high.

  2. 63% of the time....New York low takes Asia low.

  3. 42% of the time....New York engulfs the overnight session.

London Partially Engulfs Upwards

To start, we see if the high of London broke the high of Asia, but the low of London remained inside of Asia. This would look like the following example below (click to enlarge).

Historically over the last 10 years, below are some metrics of historical outcomes regarding the New York session, based on the prerequisite above.

  1. 81% of the time....New York high takes London high.

  2. 65% of the time....New York low takes London low.

  3. 54% of the time....New York low takes the Asian low.

  4. 36% of the time....New York engulfs the overnight session.

London Partially Engulfs Downwards

To start, we see if the low of London broke the low of Asia, but the high of London remained inside of Asia. This would look like the following example below (click to enlarge).

Historically over the last 10 years, below are some metrics of historical outcomes regarding the New York session, based on the prerequisite above. 

  1. 82% of the time....New York low takes the London low.

  2. 58% of the time....New York high takes London high.

  3. 46% of the time....New York high takes Asian high.

  4. 30% of the time....New York engulfs the overnight session.